(513) 271 - 4858
4460 Lake Forest Drive, Suite 232 Cincinnati, OH 45242

We Are Very Innovative

For All Industrial Business

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the dummy majority have suffered dumm to alteration in some form by injected dummy now.

We Are Very Innovative

For All Industrial Business

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the dummy majority have suffered dumm to alteration in some form by injected dummy now.

We Are Very Innovative

For All Industrial Business

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the dummy majority have suffered dumm to alteration in some form by injected dummy now.

Latest Projects

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available but the majority have suffered in some form by injected or randomised words which even slightly believable.

COVID 19 Appreciation Awards & Memorabilia
While everyone is feeling the impact and risk associated with this global pandemic, there are many individuals on the
COVID 19 Awards & Memorabilia
Young Explorer Activity Kit
Unique way for families to spend time together outdoors. Achieve all 15 badges!
Sublimation Plaques & Awards
Sublimation Awards are a good option when cost is a factor while also requiring a flexibility regarding design.
Acrylic Awards
Acrylic awards are a cost effective option for showing an individual appreciation for any worthwhile accomplishment.
Metal Casting Awards
Through the complex manufacturing process, the final metal casting award truly represents an appreciation for a job well done.

Dream Big

Inspiring Solutions

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available but the majority is have suffered alteration in that some form by injected humour or randomised that words which don’t look even slightly believable.

Our Services

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available but the majority have suffered in some form by injected or randomised words which even slightly believable.

Image Transferring

Image transferring can be simply described as the process of taking an image, logo, and/or design and replicating it onto the surface

Environmental Compliance

Environmental compliance regulations can govern a product’s ingredients, production methods, waste management, wastewater treatment and more.

Enamel, Varnish, & Metal Plating

Electroplating is the process of coating a durable but inexpensive metal like copper with a thin layer of a more precious metal

Featured Industries

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available but the majority have suffered in some form by injected or randomised words which even slightly believable.

US Armed Forces

Every branch of The United States Armed Forces has a robust culture of awarding service. As an all-volunteer

Non Profit Organizations

Because nonprofit organizations are mission-driven, they are closely scrutinized for the way they spend money on operational expenses.


For Profit and Corporation Award Programs In today’s competitive corporate environment, recognition is one of the biggest drivers

Law Enforcement

Law enforcement officers make a difference every single day. From the local patrol officers through the federal agents


Government employees serve the general public in the work they do each day. The culture of government agencies

What We Offer

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available but the majority have suffered in some form by injected or randomised words which even slightly believable.